Welcome to Ninite Pro

Ninite Pro's web interface

The best way to use Ninite is with our Pro interface on the web.

Click the button below and you can start installing your Ninite Pro agent on machines and managing them right from our website.

Open the Pro interface

Or get started with Ninite Pro Classic

The remote interface in Ninite Pro

You can still use our Classic .exe version with its customizable command-line too.

Silent mode

First, download your Ninite Pro .exe. You can use it to manage software on all the computers on your network. Ninite Pro keeps itself up to date so you won't need to download that again.

Now double-click the NinitePro.exe you just downloaded to start Ninite Pro. It should open to the software selection window. Next click the show remote options link in the lower left of the window. This will turn on Ninite's remote mode and start scanning the local network for computers.

You can select from computers on the left and applications on the right and then click the Install button to deploy or update those applications. You can access other features like update-only mode and audit mode by clicking the little triangle next to the Install button.

If Ninite is having problems finding all the computers on your network, we have some network troubleshooting information that may help.

You can also just make installers with all our Pro features enabled at ninite.com when you're signed into your account. If you scroll to the bottom of our homepage now you'll see some extra apps that are just for Ninite Pro users.

Be sure to check out our help page for details on all the things you can accomplish with Ninite's advanced features.

And of course, you can always send us a note if you ever have any questions.
