Sorry about the error!

Error details: 0x0000023e; 0x00000000:0x65CD2505:c0000005:NiniteUpdater.exe; 0

The first thing to try is just running the Ninite installer again. Often these problems are caused by temporary hiccups.

Some firewalls, http proxies, or security software can interfere with Ninite's connections and cause failures. It's often worth trying to run the Ninite installer again with tools like these disabled.

If troubles persist, please check that your internet connection works in Internet Explorer. Ninite installers use the same internet and proxy settings as Internet Explorer.

We also commonly see certificate errors if a computer's clock is set incorrectly. If you experience that, please check that the time and date are right.

Still having trouble? We want to fix it. Get in touch with us and be sure to mention the error details: 0x0000023e; 0x00000000:0x65CD2505:c0000005:NiniteUpdater.exe; 0