No toolbars. No clicking next. Just pick your apps and go.
You don't have to watch for updates. Our bots do that. Here's what's new:
Edge updated to 134.0.3124.68.
7 hours ago
Discord updated to 1.0.9186.
yesterday at 7:25 pm
Malwarebytes updated to
yesterday at 6:54 pm
Paint.NET updated to 5.106.9203.27857.
yesterday at 5:19 pm
Visual Studio Code updated to 1.98.2.
yesterday at 5:16 pm
We install and update about a million apps each day for our home users and Ninite Pro subscribers.
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“I'll bet the service saved me a couple hours”
“ frees up your day”
The Christian Science Monitor
“This post can be fairly short because Ninite works exactly as advertised.”
We only add popular user-requested apps to Ninite.
Ninite Pro has a new web interface. Click here to learn more.
Our website is free for home use (money-wise, but also free of ads and junkware) because Pro users keep Ninite running.